Thursday, August 16, 2012

August: Chicken, Chicken, and more Chicken

To give or not to give that is the question, I have found it better to give than to not give. However as August winds down and the days become fewer and fewer i found it harder to figure out what to do as my volunteer act for August when it hit me. I already have 2 different volunteer opportunities set-up for this month.

My first event is August 25th. About twice a year I make the long trek up to Duluth, MN to participate in the Chicken Hat Plays. With a local theater company up there. The Chicken Hat Plays are a one day event where local (and some not so local AKA: Me) come together to perform 8 brand new never been seen before One- Act plays. The plays are written the night before and must include several prompts (who, what, where, and a special prompt (common cameo or common phrase)). The next day the writers and directors arrive to receive their scripts and begin rehearsing and that night at 7pm those plays are performed for the first and only time. So if you are in there Duluth area on the 25th of August at about 7pm head over to Harbor City Charter School and check out The Chicken Hat Plays presented by Rubber Chicken Theater. Guaranteed you will have a good time. (again i know not a local volunteer opportunity, but any chance to promote the arts and give some publicity to a smaller Theater company is alway a winning situation :D)

My second event is August 26th.  Holy Family Catholic Church in Willard, WI cooks up some Slovenian Style Chicken at their annual church Bazaar where i will be serving up some homestyle cooking in the Take-Out department. The Bazaar includes a Rummage Sale, Silent Auction, Craft Sale and live local music. It usually goes from 10:30 until 2/3 pm so again if you are in Willard, WI on the 26th of August come check it out and enjoy our small little town

I know it isn't usually my style to post early, but in this case i figured i'd get some information out to all of you and don't worry, pictures will follow the events. I know the pictures will be something that will bring a smile to your face so just for a little peak at what type of things to expect i have included a couple pictures from past Chicken Hat Plays (enjoy :D)

Chicken Hat Plays


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