Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Round-up

So I recently got a parttime job at JcPenny's this month which cuts into my time quite a bit, but the whole purpose of this blog is to focus on the things that you can do locally. Well JcPenny's is doing this thing called Pennies for Penny's what happens is JcPenny's picks a charity for the month and asks their customers if they would like to round up their total to the nearest dollar and donate their change to the charity of the month and then Penny's matches the donation. This month their charity was Teach for America. This program offers scholarships to under privileged kids to help them further their education. So being a new JcPenny employee and seeing all the amazing deals and clothing that they were selling i got drawn in and everytime i bought something from JcPenny I would round-up.  Just the act of requesting donations made me feel good about the work I was doing at Penny's and myself. Even if it is 1cent or 99cents, it still helped make a difference. I encourage all of you to Round-up for charity whether it is at JcPenny or some other store that is trying to make a difference in the lives of others. What are a few pennies for someone who may not even have that at this moment or maybe that penny that you donated was the last bit they needed to reach their goal.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

August: Chicken, Chicken, and more Chicken

To give or not to give that is the question, I have found it better to give than to not give. However as August winds down and the days become fewer and fewer i found it harder to figure out what to do as my volunteer act for August when it hit me. I already have 2 different volunteer opportunities set-up for this month.

My first event is August 25th. About twice a year I make the long trek up to Duluth, MN to participate in the Chicken Hat Plays. With a local theater company up there. The Chicken Hat Plays are a one day event where local (and some not so local AKA: Me) come together to perform 8 brand new never been seen before One- Act plays. The plays are written the night before and must include several prompts (who, what, where, and a special prompt (common cameo or common phrase)). The next day the writers and directors arrive to receive their scripts and begin rehearsing and that night at 7pm those plays are performed for the first and only time. So if you are in there Duluth area on the 25th of August at about 7pm head over to Harbor City Charter School and check out The Chicken Hat Plays presented by Rubber Chicken Theater. Guaranteed you will have a good time. (again i know not a local volunteer opportunity, but any chance to promote the arts and give some publicity to a smaller Theater company is alway a winning situation :D)

My second event is August 26th.  Holy Family Catholic Church in Willard, WI cooks up some Slovenian Style Chicken at their annual church Bazaar where i will be serving up some homestyle cooking in the Take-Out department. The Bazaar includes a Rummage Sale, Silent Auction, Craft Sale and live local music. It usually goes from 10:30 until 2/3 pm so again if you are in Willard, WI on the 26th of August come check it out and enjoy our small little town

I know it isn't usually my style to post early, but in this case i figured i'd get some information out to all of you and don't worry, pictures will follow the events. I know the pictures will be something that will bring a smile to your face so just for a little peak at what type of things to expect i have included a couple pictures from past Chicken Hat Plays (enjoy :D)

Chicken Hat Plays


July: A Flood of Emotions

I was looking forward to July and what was next on my road of giving. I was looking into volunteering at the humane society, but when a place i called my home for so long, and people and places that i love were struck with tragedy i have to act. I watched diligently to news and my sister-in-law's facebook page as they gave up-to-date pictures and details. So many times when tragedy strikes the world seems to stand still. Those who want to help, want to do something, anything, whatever they can, but they just don't know where to start.

On June19th and 20th, 6-10 inches of rain fell on the Duluth/Superior area causing massive flooding throughout the area. The Lake Superior Zoo was one of the major areas effected by the flood. Over a dozen animals lost their lives and 2 seals and a polar bear managed to escape their enclosures. The animals were safely returned, but the damage is insurmountable. Many roadways were washed out causing crater like pot holes.  I have included a link to several pictures of the flood.

Duluth Flood Pictures

I have been emphasizing the need to work within the parameters of your local charities, but i think for this one incident i am going to step off my pedestal and lend some monetary aid to help those who are struggling with life after the flood.

If you would like to help the cause here is the link to the Northland Red Cross Chapter
Northland Red Cross Chapter


Friday, June 8, 2012

June: A Cut Above The Rest

June 5, 2012

Most will remember this day as the infamous Wisconsin Recall Election Day, but for someone, what happened today will be even more memorable...

"I helped some deserving person today, I won't ever know their name, and they won't ever know mine, but we will share a common bond that is greater than anything money could buy... I donated my hair in order to give a deserving person a ray of hope and help them take back their dignity, stand tall, and continue their fight." These words accompanied a picture that I posted on Facebook. These words sparked a response in my Facebook friends. This was not my first time donating and it probably won't be my last,but for some reason this time seemed different, this time seemed special, this time... was the reason i started this journey.

Here I was 6 years since the last time I donated. It was time for my yearly trim. Sitting in the chair, I decided to go bold and take it all off. Scared to death of losing my long locks I took a leap of faith, closed my eyes and told the lady to just do it! To my surprise, the stylist hesitated and asked me if I was sure that I wanted to cut all that hair off. Sure? was i sure? HELL NO I WASN'T SURE!!! I had spent the last 6 years of my life enjoying my long locks and in a matter of a few minutes, all of that could be lost. I didn't originally go in to the Salon to donate I went in for a trim and in a few simple words my good deed was questioned. In that instant, I began questioning my own good deed. But again I grit my teeth, closed my eyes and tried to sit as still as possible, again announcing "Just Do It!" then once again she utter those tail-spinning words "Are You Sure?" again I was placed between a rock and a hard place. Change is scary, let alone when you have no clue of the projected outcome, but again I closed my eyes and said "I am sure! Just Do It!" I couldn't even watch. Half of me was going "OH YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT I'M AWESOME" while the other part of me just wanted to cry.
It is amazing how something so trivial has become something that defines us. Hair, that's all it is and all it was, but in those few moments after she plopped those two ponytails in front of me, I realized something. I realized that I was lucky. I didn't wake up that morning to find that the last remaining patch of my hair was laying on my pillow because the radiation or my meds has caused me to go bald. I didn't have to look in the mirror for months and not be able to feel like I am pretty. I was lucky. Lucky enough to have been born with thick luscious hair that someone, who may have lost theirs, would love to have in an instant. So sitting there I felt guilty for second guessing myself. Guilty for almost changing my mind and not sharing the gift I was given. Thinking back, I realized, its not JUST hair. Its a statement piece, it's what makes you, you. Your hair can define you. It not only can make you feel beautiful, but it can empower you.

If you are interested in empowering others through donating your own hair, but don't quite know where to start, check out the Locks Of Love website at or talk to your local Salon or stylist. Chances are, they accept donations.

~ B

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Begining of Something GREAT!

I am not looking for praise, compliments, fame, or fortune. I don't want your money, or to convince you to do anything. I'm just looking to build awareness and maybe inspire someone to do the same. I am just one person who decided late one night that i wanted to make a difference. I am not going to travel halfway around the world to help those in poverty stricken countries. I am not going to go to the Oprah extreme. I am probably not going to travel out of my state let alone out of my area.

I sometimes don't think others realize how many amazing opportunities that exist in the area they live in. Some of these opportunities don't take much effort at all. Sometimes helping others is as simple as getting a haircut, going for a walk, or playing with some of your favorite animals.

One year, Twelve acts. How simple is that! Will you join me in my quest to make a difference?
