Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Round-up

So I recently got a parttime job at JcPenny's this month which cuts into my time quite a bit, but the whole purpose of this blog is to focus on the things that you can do locally. Well JcPenny's is doing this thing called Pennies for Penny's what happens is JcPenny's picks a charity for the month and asks their customers if they would like to round up their total to the nearest dollar and donate their change to the charity of the month and then Penny's matches the donation. This month their charity was Teach for America. This program offers scholarships to under privileged kids to help them further their education. So being a new JcPenny employee and seeing all the amazing deals and clothing that they were selling i got drawn in and everytime i bought something from JcPenny I would round-up.  Just the act of requesting donations made me feel good about the work I was doing at Penny's and myself. Even if it is 1cent or 99cents, it still helped make a difference. I encourage all of you to Round-up for charity whether it is at JcPenny or some other store that is trying to make a difference in the lives of others. What are a few pennies for someone who may not even have that at this moment or maybe that penny that you donated was the last bit they needed to reach their goal.
